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Our values.

We believe in a certain way of doing things. This is why...

  • we stay humble,

  • we are ambitious,

  •  and we are moved by fairness.

Being humble.

We don't have all the answers. We have a great deal of experience in both the corporate world and in new ventures, with high levels of success, but we believe in the forgotten art of asking and listening​. We might change the world together, but we'll tell you once it's done.

Being ambitious.

We might start with a blank piece of paper but having bigGrowth in mind. We aim for the big changes, the ones that disrupt, the ones that change the way we do banking. To accomplish that, we turn things up and down and we challenge the status-quo. As one said, "break the rules".

Being fair.

We believe in the common good. We believe in doing things the right way. We truly think we can change the world for the better, one project at a time. Technology can improve people's lives.​ Transparency, service and accountability need to be at the core of everything we do.

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